Above you can watch an experimental video we (Daniel Jansson, Alexis Morin and myself) shot in the first week, using a GoPro cam. Our idea was to collect some perspectives machines could have on humans, reversing the point of view we are used to.
The second week we (Siri Johansson, Shivanjali Tomar and myself) created a small game in Processsing, with the help of an awesome small tool called Kaliber, two of our classmates created. It uses PlayStation Move controller and creates a physical social gaming experience.
In week three we (Adam Henriksson and myself) built a "Random Motion Machine". The machine consists of a platform that travels over a Makerslide driven by a stepper motor. The connected arms are connected through bearings all creating random motion. Different combinations of speed, movement intervals and length of arms creates different expression of the light cloud. The motor is driven by an Arduino and controlled in Processing.
Week four was about creating physical interactions, that are controlled by standard protocols. In the first, 48 hour task we (Alexis Morin, Miha Feus and myself) created two boxes that did some breathing-effect. One box contained two fans blowing in reverse direction that took turns depending on an standardized input protocol (In our case a distance sensor). All groups in our class created an input and and output device which communicated with the same standard protocol, so in the end we could exchange all devices and combine different input and outputs.

( video still in progress )
The second task took 72 hours and was about creating a device that is controlled by some API using Breakout.js and the Firmata protocol. We (Shivanjali and myself) chose to work with the twitter API. We built a device that translate a tweets into a physical movement (using Arduino) and shows the time passed since the tweet. By using a service like IFTTT you can use the device for many different things. One idea is to be reminded of events, or seeing if somebody sent you a message.
( video still in progress )